The Phoenix Assault Enhancement implants increase laser, fire, and plasma DR by 10%.The Phoenix Armor Implants increase laser, fire, and plasma DR by 5%.The Dermal Impact Assault Enhancement implants increase normal and explosive DR by 10%.The Dermal Impact Armor implants increase normal and explosive DR by 5%.The Toughness perk increases normal DR by 10% per rank.The Damage Resistance Modifier of ammo can preemptively reduce the DR of a target.As the equation suggests, DR is capped at 90%, and any damage that goes past DT has a minimum of 1. While DT can completely negate the damage done, DR cannot.
More specifically, after AC is checked for a successful hit and after DT is checked to reduce the damage, if there is any incoming damage, DR applies: DR occupies the 'final step' for combat and simulates the effect of how armor can help diffuse the energy of a bullet and reduce its lethality (like real-life body armor). The other stats are AC ( Armor Class) and DT ( Damage Threshold). In the original Fallout games, DR (Damage Resistance) is one of three stats by which a character can reduce or avoid damage.