Dragons will only lure out CC troops that can target Air. You usually do NOT want the King or Queen to lure out the enemy CC, to prevent ground troops (such as an Ice Golem) or LavaHound or Balloons to come out. Also, if the Queen can shoot down an Air Defense, that would be ideal.
If one or both of the Heroes can take down a TH12 Town Hall, that would be very helpful.
possibly an Electro Dragon and/or Baby Dragon to help create your funnel.possibly a Lava Hound to initially tank for an Air Defense.Siege Machine: Stone Slammer, filled with Balloons.Even if it fails to get 3-stars, it’s pretty certain to get you 2-stars. The DragBat attack (also known as DragLoon Bat Wave) is a relatively non-risky 3-star strategy.